Closed Head Injuries from Offshore Work

A closed head injury, also known as a concussion, can be serious. Longshoremen, harbor workers, seamen and other maritime workers are especially prone to closed head injuries as their jobs are strenuous and they often work in dangerous conditions.

Falls that occur offshore and defective machinery are often to blame for closed head injuries, which refer to any injuries to the scalp, skull or brain. Assaults by crew members can also result in a closed head injury, as a blow to the head can cause serious damage.

Someone who has an accident offshore may experience symptoms that would indicate a serious head injury. Some of these symptoms include loss of consciousness, drop in blood pressure, seizures, vomiting, pupil changes, drowsiness, extreme headache and fluid drainage from the nose, mouth or ears.

A closed head injury sustained while working offshore can lead to bleeding inside the skull or irreversible brain damage. The brain can become bruised in a fall or assault aboard a vessel, even if the skull is not penetrated.

Several tests will be conducted to determine the best possible treatment for the head injury. If there is bleeding in the skull, the doctor will need to find the location of the bleeding, assess the symptoms and other injuries, before recommending treatment options. Pressure monitors, medication to prevent seizures and antibiotics to prevent infections are commonly used for a closed head injury. In some cases, surgery is necessary.

If you or a family member has suffered a head injury from working offshore, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact our law firm for a free legal consultation. Maritime lawyers can help answer questions you may have and discuss your legal options.