Maritime Related Heat Strokes, Heart Attacks and Frostbite Injuries

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Maritime Weather Injury

Maritime employees by the very nature of working on barges, boats and vessels in extreme weather conditions are subject to temperature related injuries. Weather hazards and injuries are especially common to deck hands, tankermen, tug and barge workers, fishermen and other maritime employees required to be outside exposed to the extremely hot, cold weather of hours and days of snow, ice and freezing weather.

When the weather is extremely hot and/or humid, many maritime workers may be susceptible to heat strokes, over-exertion heart attacks, heat stress injuries, severe muscle cramps and even dehydration. When workers are required to work in enclosed non-ventilated areas, cargo holds, engine rooms and inside tanks, these extreme environments which are often lacking proper ventilation and cooling can be deadly. In cold weather, especially during icy and freezing weather, an exposed worker may quickly get frostbite and/or hyperthermia. Extreme cold weather is common on inland waterways, rivers, the Great Lakes, North Sea and Alaskan waters. Maritime employers must provide its workers with sufficient cold weather gear, waterproof suits and gloves to get the job done safely. Further these same employers must limit the amount of time a worker must be exposed to such low temperatures without a break or relief help.

Maritime Laws Regarding Weather Injuries

When a workers on ship or vessel becomes injured due to exposure to extreme hot or cold weather conditions, the maritime employer may be held liable under the Jones Act for said injuries. Under the Jones Act, the injured worker may collect Jones Act benefits and damages including a daily wage known as maintenance and medical benefits called cure. These Jones Act damages are due the injured employee regardless if the employee is also at fault in causing part of his own injuries. The Jones Act employer may also be liable for additional monetary damages if it is proved that the employer was negligent in any way and such negligence caused the workers injuries in part. Further, the employer and/or the vessel may also be liable for damages if proved at the vessel was unseaworthy and such unseaworthiness contributed to the weather related injuries. The owner of the ship, barge or vessel may be found negligent and liable for other conditions under the General Maritime Law.

Jones Act & Maritime Injury Lawyer

If you or a loved one has been injured due to extreme heat, cold or humid conditions, then call and talk to a Maritime Injury Lawyer about your legal rights to file a Maritime Injury or Jones Act Lawsuit for your injuries, losses and damages. Call the Willis Law Firm 24/7 at 1-800-883-9858 or fill out our free online injury form.

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